World Self-Care Day.

Today, July 24, World Self-Care Day is celebrated. Although almost all of us know what it means to have healthy habits, we want to take this opportunity to review those self-care that we sometimes overlook and are no less important.
Let's start by defining more specifically:
Self-care is incorporating into our life habits, behaviors that allow us to improve and maintain a good state of health.
Many of us have been incorporating these habits and apply them as a routine. It is a clear initiative to seek the well-being that we all desire. Some of the most relevant aspects that we want to highlight today:

1. Food: A basic. You have to eat in an orderly manner, the amounts proportioned to your specific needs and a varied and balanced menu. An adequate diet is a very important protection against possible deficiencies and diseases.

2. Body care: Facial and body care is as important as any other habit. Feed and nourish your skin the right way... that's why at 5th Avenue you have the best brands and professionals who can advise you in a personalized way.

3. Work and rest: We all have a series of obligations and daily chores, regardless of whether it is a work, training, occupational activity... there must be time for everything, dedicating a space for leisure and enjoyment on a daily basis. It is essential that we have the necessary hours of rest and sleep.

4. Physical exercise: It is a very beneficial practice in the prevention, development and rehabilitation of health. It contributes to establishing a mental well-being, improving the autonomy of the person, memory, speed of ideas, and promoting sensations such as optimism or euphoria. This aspect is closely related to the next point.

5. Emotional state: Emotions affect our health. There are many things that can happen in a person's life that disturb their emotional health. In fact, favorable changes can be just as stressful as unfavorable ones. A body-mind balance is a fundamental axis in our well-being.

At 5th Avenue, committed to our customers, we work daily to offer all the beauty and perfumery news with the best service.

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