Customers can proceed with payment in the following ways:


Debit and credit cards

After creating an order, you will be redirected to the secure payment gateway of the Redsys platform ( where the necessary data for payment can be entered. Our employees do not have access to the Customer's card details.



After creating an order, the Customer will be redirected to a secure PayPal gateway, where they will access their PayPal account to complete the purchase. 5TH Avenue online and Perfumería Europa online do not have access to the Client's PayPal account or any other information related to the Client's PayPal account. Take into account that this payment method has a cost of 3% that will be added to the total cost of the order.

In order to protect 5TH Avenue online and Perfumería Europa online Customers from fraud, we only ship items from confirmed PayPal addresses linked to the Customer's PayPal account. If you are unsure of the address confirmation, please visit the PayPal link provided and follow the instructions to verify the confirmed address.

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