In recent years we have seen how men began to take care of themselves almost as much as women. They went from the ultra-groomed look of the metrosexual man to a new hipster style that appears to be less groomed but actually hides a lot of products, techniques and care that make it really interesting.

Use specific products for men

The male epidermis is approximately 30% thicker than that of women, has a higher collagen content and 20% more stratum corneum. For this reason, the compositions used in men's cosmetic products are based on active ingredients beneficial for men's skin.

Cold water and moisturizer every morning

To decongest bags and dark circles, and have healthy, glowing skin, it is convenient to do the simple gesture of washing your face with cold water immediately after getting up.

During the day, the skin on our face is subjected to all kinds of aggressions, such as pollution and air conditioners. For this reason, it is advisable to protect it by hydrating it appropriately with moisturizing cream in the morning, and this will also prevent dandruff from appearing in your beard.

Also take care of your neck & neckline

These are two areas in which the passing of the years manifests itself early, which is why we must treat them in the same way as the facial area.

Use an appropriate eye contour

The eye area is a very delicate area, which is why it is necessary to use a specific product on it. We can opt for contours with moisturizers combined with caffeine, which help combat crow's feet and act effectively on bags and dark circles.

Shave after showering and use toner

The hot water from the shower causes the pores to open and the hair to soften, which is why shaving after the shower prevents skin irritation. After shaving, to balance the skin, it will be necessary to apply a facial toner.

Peeling and mask

Every 10 or 15 days it is advisable to apply a more intensive treatment at night. So at least twice a month we will exfoliate the skin and then apply a mask to further stimulate cell regeneration.

Rest correctly and forget bad habits

Nothing benefits our skin more than a restful sleep. It is advisable to sleep between 7 and 8 hours each night.

Tobacco, alcohol and heavy dinners also affect our skin, so it is necessary to avoid them. It is also a beauty trick for men that will improve your general health.

Store cosmetics in the refrigerator in summer

This way they will better preserve their active ingredients. In the case of eye contour cream, it is preferable to keep it cold throughout the year.

Keeping our skin nourished and leading a healthy life are the main male beauty secrets to keep in mind to show off well-cared skin.

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