BLACK FRIDAY 2022 at 5th Avenue:

The date we are waiting for to get what we are looking for is starting again. It is once again the most anticipated Black Friday if possible, in this 2022.

It has been a year in which the sum of events has kept us more cautious, until now to once again make the massive purchases we need at very low prices. We begin a few days of frenzy in consumption and that all sales companies take advantage of to achieve maximum market share, based on competing with the rest, minimizing their margins and maximizing the purchase volume. It has already become a classic throughout Europe and the rest of the world on all e-commerce platforms. The main thing is to know when the starting gun is fired to get what I want to buy, to take advantage of that incredible price.

In our store, this year we are going to offer you discounts of up to 50%, something that you cannot lose sight of. Sometimes the products are sold out and many customers are left without their most precious product for not having made the purchase on time. It usually happens in all online and physical stores, where they work at maximum production and the point is reached where the most in-demand items of the moment are sold out. It is a sad but real situation.


What began in the Philadelphia merchants in the USA and was soon exported to New York and Washington in the '60s of the last century, we see that totally globalized today sweeps all world markets and brands of all kinds, starting with those establishments with the greatest glamor and luxury on the planet.

At 5th Avenue, this year we know how important it is for our customers to be fully satisfied by getting their items, those of their family and friends, taking advantage of the most anticipated Black Friday of recent years.


The start date will be November 18 and will end with Cyber ​​Monday on the 28th of the same month (For those people furthest behind).

We want you to get everything you need and we encourage you to see our large catalog and assortment, where you will surely be able to find your products.

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